North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Steve Clarke – service details

A lot of people have been asking for details for Steve’s funeral, the details we have received are below. Please join us to celebrate the life of Steve Clarke. Tuesday 6th June at 4pm West Herts Crem High Elms Lane (more…)

Minutes of the 2023 AGM

NOTE: This AGM was conducted on Zoom Committee Apologies: Peter Cowan Two members attended on Zoom CHAIRMANS OPENING ADDRESS – Welcome to the 2023 AGM and to the 88th year of the existence of NHWAS. The Committee Several changes to (more…)

Springwell Lake – spawning

We will monitor the situation but we have been told that the carp have started to spawn. The lake remains open (for the time being). Anyone that decides to fish, please do not fish in the shallows or any where (more…)