North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Minutes of the 2023 AGM

NOTE: This AGM was conducted on Zoom Committee Apologies: Peter Cowan Two members attended on Zoom CHAIRMANS OPENING ADDRESS – Welcome to the 2023 AGM and to the 88th year of the existence of NHWAS. The Committee Several changes to (more…)

Springwell Lake – spawning

We will monitor the situation but we have been told that the carp have started to spawn. The lake remains open (for the time being). Anyone that decides to fish, please do not fish in the shallows or any where (more…)

Steve Clarke 1960 – 2023

Note from NHWAS Chair: It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death of our River Secretary, Steve Clarke. Many of you, particularly older river members, will have known Steve for a long time.  He (more…)

Carp Match

The annual 48hr pairs carp match will be held from noon Saturday 6th May until noon Monday 8th May. Please note that the lake will be closed to anglers not participating in the match at this time. The spaces are fully subscribed (more…)

Tree work

Please note that tree surgeons will be working on the East Bank w/c 10th April and will be returning the following week as needed. Although there may be some disturbance if you are fishing the work is unavoidable and we (more…)

Minutes of 2022 AGM

NOTE: This AGM was conducted on Zoom Committee Apologies: Peter Cowan Six members attended on Zoom CHAIRMANS OPENING ADDRESS – So here I am doing a Chairman’s opening address again at an NHWAS AGM by Zoom.  Another Covid year has (more…)

Canoeing on our stretch of River Colne

  If you are confronted by groups of canoeists on our river, they should be asked to leave by exiting the river at the first possible point and portaging their kayaks over to the canal, which is a public navigation.  (more…)

Charity Predator Match

For anyone that’s interested The match will be on our section of river as well as Uxbridge rovers section ,the canal from ricky to denham and possibly parts of stockers lake Anyone is welcome More details will follow nearer the (more…)

2023 Working Parties – Springwell Lake

The dates for the working parties are: Sunday 26th February Sunday 16th April Sunday 4th June All members are asked to attend 2 working parties or pay the opt out fees. All new Full Members do not have the option to pay an (more…)