North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Mick Fleming

Mick Fleming, a true gentleman and a club member for over 40 years, sadly died on the 19th December His funeral is on Monday 24th January 2pm @ Garston crematorium north Chapel, flowers and donations welcome to the British Heart Foundation  (more…)

No Publicity

Members will already be aware that the Society has a “no publicity” rule. We occasionally receive requests from members to carryout promotional filming, or to use footage or photos of Springwell Lake in a capacity linked to an angling business (more…)

Stocking Springwell Lake October 2021

Today the club took delivery of 39 x C3s from Priory Fisheries, with the biggest being over 10lb. All photos can be seen by clicking the link below. Please send catch photos to so that we can track growth (more…)


Lake members are reminded that you are still required to book on for day sessions as well as nights thank you the committee (more…)

Match on Springwell lake 12/9

Just a reminder that there will be a general match on Springwell Lake West Bank on Sunday 12th September. Fishing 9am to 3pm. Open to all members. For any information please contact Pete Cowan. Good luck! (more…)

Pete’s Pond Open Day 3rd July

If you have family or friends that are interested in getting into fishing but don’t know how, then they may be interested in the event that is being arranged on Petes Pond on the 3rd July in conjunction with the (more…)

Work on Springwell Lake

All full members, please be aware that there will be tree surgeons starting work on Springwell week commencing 7th June. The Lawns swim will be closed all week and there will be boats used. This will cause some disturbance.   (more…)

2021 AGM report

NOTE: This AGM was conducted on Zoom Committee Apologies: Tony Cave, Mike Johnson, Jay Baecke Six members attended on Zoom CHAIRMANS OPENING ADDRESS – Last AGM I said we were departing from the previous format.  I didn’t guess that 2 (more…)

48hr Pairs Match

10 pairs fished in this year’s 48hr carp match which was held between 1st and 3rd May. A total of 12 carp were caught with the biggest being a 33lb 9oz common. Results were as follows: 1st Larry Miller & (more…)