North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

2013 AGM proposals and Committee comments

AGM Notice Proposals for consideration by members at the AGM Given the implications the Committee have provided additional comments. We urge all members to read our comments and attend the AGM to vote on the proposals. Proposal 1. Rule 11 (more…)

2013 AGM Agenda and Directions

AGENDA FOR 2013 A.G.M. TO BE HELD AT THE CHORLEYWOOD CLUB Shepherds Lane, Chorleywood Rickmansworth, Herts. WD3 5HA  (NOTE NEW VENUE) AT 8.00 P.M. ON MONDAY 29th APRIL 1.   Chairman’s opening address ( Alan Bailey ) 2.  Minutes of 2012 (more…)

A view of Springwell Lake – 1950’s

Here is a view of Springwell Lake from the 1950s. (2 photos combined to create a slightly panoramic shot.) Taken by Roy Walsh in the mid 50’s – exact date unknown. The view is taken from the area he called (more…)

Roach and Bream in the 1950s

Recently one of our long standing members – Roy Walsh – contacted us with some documents he held and wondered if they would be of any use to the Society. He kindly agreed to us publishing these, along with a (more…)

February 2013 Newsletter and Renewals

The February 2013 Newsletter has been issued. For this year we are posting to all members irrespective of people having access to the website. Ongoing we intend to post out only to those that do not have access to website. (more…)

2013 February Stocking

A further 20, mainly double figure, fish were stocked in February 2013. Please help us track progress of all fish by submitting your catch photos / weights to Chris. Photos below, click on album to view. To see a larger (more…)

Match Results 06/01/13 Challenge 6 River Colne

06/01/13     Challenge 6                   River Colne 15 Anglers  Total Weight                  25.10 1st  Alan Bellamy                              12.15  peg 33 2nd  Dave Lawson                                6.13   peg 15 3rd   Ian Anderson                                4.02  peg 41 (more…)

Match Results 11/11/12 Challenge 5 (Xmas match) River Colne

11/11/12     Challenge 5 (Xmas match)  River Colne 17 Anglers Total Weight                 10.10 1st  Peter Barnes                                4.12  peg 43 2nd  Mick Fleming                              2.10  peg 2 3rd   Ray Bellamy                                1.02  peg 9   (more…)