North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

04/01/15 Carp Cup 3 Royal Berkshire Lake 3

14 Anglers       Total Weight                47.14 1st  Rob Pottinger (guest)                      19.03 2nd Graham Pickton                                  7.15 3rd  Brian Humphreys                               5.05 (more…)

14/12/14 Challenge 8 (Xmas match) River Colne

18 Anglers        Total Weight              35.11 1st  Brian Humphreys                          11.11   Peg 45 2nd Mel Barnet                                       7.02    Peg 33 3rd  Reg Franklin                                    5.09    Peg 31 (more…)

Challenge 6 River Colne

11 Anglers       Total Weight              30.15 1st  Dave Lawson                                05.09   Peg 42 2nd Tom Bedford                                 05.08    Peg 30 3rd  Reg Franklin                                  05.03    Peg 31 (more…)

Carp Cup 2 Royal Berkshire Lake 3

14 Anglers       Total Weight                92.13 1st  Tom Bedford                                  29.06 2nd Neil Smith                                       16.14 3rd  Alan Bellamy                                  13.10   (more…)

19/10/14 Challenge 5 River Colne

11 Anglers       Total Weight              37.08 1st  Mick Flemming                            20.07   Peg 33 2nd Ruth Franklin                                03.10   Log swim 3rd  Kevin McGuiness                          03.09   Peg 3 (more…)

5/10/14 Canal Cup 3 Horse & Barge Denham

13 Anglers       Total Weight              09.10 1st  Brian Humphreys                          02.09 2nd Mel Barnet                                      01.05 3rd  Graham Pickton                             01.03 (more…)

21/09/14 Challenge 4 River Colne

9 Anglers       Total Weight                40.02 1st  Mick Flemming                            24.05   Peg 31 2nd Peter Barnes                                   12.04   Peg 34 3rd  Graham Pickton                             03.08   Peg 6 (more…)

Springwell Lake – water testing devices

Please be advised that Affinity Water have a number of water quality testing devices distributed around Springwell Lake.  They are relatively small stainless cylinders (diver loggers) and are attached by cords you may initially mistake for poaching lines and/or crayfish (more…)

Notice of 2015 AGM

The 2015 AGM will be held 8pm on Tuesday 14th April at The Royal British Legion, Ebury Way, Rickmansworth, WD3 8ED AGENDA 1. Chairman’s opening address 2. Minutes of 2014 A.G.M. 3. Matters arising 4. Secretary’s report 5. Treasurer’s report (more…)

2015 Newsletter

PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT AS IT CONTAINS INFORMATION YOU WILL NEED TO BE ABLE TO FISH SPRINGWELL LAKE THIS YEAR Dear member, Happy New Year to you. I hope there is a great year in prospect for you all! 2014 (more…)