North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

River Colne – River Fly Monitoring

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: It is not just stock and habitat enhancement that has been the focus of our attention for the river. I recently attended the fiver fly monitoring course arranged (more…)

Stocking 2013 and future program- River Colne

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: What has happened on the Colne I hear the river members asking. Well, as reported previously, we had two introductions of stock last year courtesy of the EA. (more…)

Notice of 2014 AGM

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: This years AGM will be held on Wednesday 2nd April at 8pm. It will be held at the same venue as last year – CHORLEYWOOD CLUB, Shepherds Lane, (more…)

Proposed update of the Constitution

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: At the 2013 AGM we committed to the overdue separation of the fishing rules and constitution and any necessary ‘tidying up’ that this entailed such as re-numbering of (more…)

Proposed Changes to the Angling Rules

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: At the 2013 AGM we committed to the overdue separation of the fishing rules and constitution and any necessary ‘tidying up’ that this entailed such as re-numbering of (more…)

Ring found

A silver ring has been found by the East Bank car park gate – please contact Mat Richardson if it is yours. (more…)

Flooding update

At some points locally the canal, river and lakes were all one. The lake west bank footpath at one time was 18″ under water. During the week the committee and a few willing members made an attempt to retain the (more…)

Missing – can you help?