North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Access around Springwell

We have been informed by Maydencroft, the contractors carrying out the works to the boardwalks on Springwell, that we can now use the bottom end of the lake. It’s going to remain closed to the public for now so the (more…)

River fly survey work on River Colne

There will be some Riverfly survey work on the River Colne over the next couple of weeks. This will involve some black tubes being placed in the river in the area of Willows Court. These must not be disturbed. For (more…)

Tackle theft – Inns Lake

We have received a report (25/4) that an angler on Inns lake has had his vehicle broken into in broad daylight and all of his tackle stolen. Please be vigilant and do not leave tackle unattended or in your vehicle. (more…)

Notice of 2019 AGM

The 2019 AGM will be held 8pm on Tuesday 21st May at The Royal British Legion, Ebury Way, Rickmansworth, WD3 8ED AGENDA 1. Chairman’s opening address 2. Minutes of 2018 A.G.M. 3. Matters arising 4. Secretary’s report 5. Treasurer’s report (more…)

The Lawns

Please be aware that Maydencroft have started work on the repairs to the pathway around the far end of the lake. They are using the Lawns swim to access the lake by boat and store materials. The swim is not (more…)

Mark Tomlinson

We are sad to report that Mark Tomlinson lost his battle with prostrate cancer on December 21st at home, with his family around him. He will be missed by all. (more…)

Antony Byron

We were asked by Antony’s family to put a few words on the members section of the website following his death earlier in the year. Antony Joseph Byron died with his family around him at St. Luke’s Hospice, Kenton on (more…)

Works by Affinity Water at SW End of Springwell Lake

**Update 22/11/18** We have been informed via the Affinity Estates Management consultant that work on the closed section will not even begin until spring 2019. We expect our written requests for appropriate financial recompense to be accepted and the club (more…)