North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Email to River Section Members – Tickets 24/25

Dear member, Thank-you for completing your renewal. River Section Members can now view their membership ticket online. You will no longer receive a ticket in the post. Your ticket displays your photo, membership category, number, name / address / contact details. (more…)

Email to Full Members – Tickets 24/25

Dear member, Thank-you for completing your renewal.  Full Member season tickets are now online. You will no longer receive a ticket in the post.  Your ticket displays your photo, membership category, number, name / address / contact details. It also (more…)

Notice of AGM

The date for the 2024 AGM is the 21st May 2024 at 8pm Details will be confirmed nearer the time. As usual, members wishing to vote on the proposals at the AGM have the option on the renewal form to (more…)

River Members Renewals & Notice of AGM (email sent)

Dear member, River Section membership includes the River Colne, Pete’s Pond and the Grand Union Canal.  For many years we have operated an open membership approach to the River Section, accepting applications from anyone at anytime through the website. This year has seen a healthy (more…)


As some members are aware, NHWAS’s Match Secretary Peter Cowan recently resigned from the post and from the Committee. We have written to Pete thanking him for all his efforts over a very long period. Happily, Pete will continue his (more…)

Health & Safety

Health & Safety Over the last year the Society has reviewed its Health & Safety responsibilities and has introduced Risk Assessments for the Lake, River, Pete’s Pond, and Working Parties. The Risk Assessments are now available to view on the (more…)


On Tuesday 20th June the Environment Agency will be surveying the fish stocks in the river below the weir. Whilst we appreciate the timing of this is not desirable, it is vital work to help us understand the health of (more…)

Springwell Lake closed from 12/6

The fish have started spawning again on Springwell Lake so the decision has been taken to close the lake to fishing.  The Committee / Lake Team will keep things under review but given the weather forecast we currently expect that (more…)

Steve Clarke – service details

A lot of people have been asking for details for Steve’s funeral, the details we have received are below. Please join us to celebrate the life of Steve Clarke. Tuesday 6th June at 4pm West Herts Crem High Elms Lane (more…)