North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Full members – rule change – 3 rods

Please read the detailed explanation below. From 1st August, rule 10.8 will temporarily change to: “On Springwell Lake only, Full Members may fish with a third rod at any time”.   We received two angling rule changes which were proposed (more…)

Springwell Lake swim closure map updated

Please find attached the updated map showing the swims that remain closed. The changes are effective immediately. When fishing the open swims that are close to the permissive path around the lake, please ensure that you follow all government guidelines (more…)

NHWAS – general update for All Members

As you are no doubt aware the slight relaxation of the lockdown restrictions has enabled fishing to resume. Obviously the Closed Season is in place for the River Colne. But your ticket does also give you access to Pete’s Pond and (more…)

NHWAS – general update for Full Members

As you are no doubt aware the slight relaxation of the lockdown restrictions has enabled fishing to resume, and the Angling Trust has confirmed that night fishing is allowed.    We are pleased to confirm that fishing on Springwell Lake (more…)

10/5/20 PM announcement

After the PMs announcement tonight, and both the Minister of Sport and Angling Trust issuing statements that further guidance will be issued tomorrow, the Committee will need to consider that guidance (when it is issued) and discuss the re-opening of (more…)


Dear member, Following the Government announcement last night, we must unfortunately close our waters for angling until further notice.  We do not want to encourage you to fish as we believe it would not comply with the terms announced regarding (more…)

Important Update

Dear member, Given the current situation we have decided to postpone working parties. Likewise the AGM will be re-scheduled and matches and away days are cancelled until further notice.   Please note that renewals are still due by 31st March. With the (more…)