North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Safeguarding Policies Announcement

The Society has introduced Safeguarding policies for Young People and Adults for the protection of any persons at risk on NHWAS waters and we have therefore made the following appointments: Welfare Officer: Paul Austin   Lead Safeguarding Officer: Chris Payne (more…)

Updated Risk Assessments

Periodically the committee with review our Risk Assessments and update them to reflect any changes to the risks identified, or the introduction of new policies by the Society. Updated Risk Assessments are now reflected on the Society’s web site and (more…)

Springwell Lake – survey

Over the next few days there will be contractors on site doing a survey on the lake on behalf of Affinity They will be using a boat for some of this so if you are fishing please be aware they (more…)

Please be vigilant – tackle theft

Following a report from a river member who had some tackle stolen while fishing the River Colne swims behind the ’29’ and the Gate, we remind all members to be aware of the risks of being a target wherever they are fishing. Anyone (more…)

Japanese Knotweed treatment 27/9

Please be aware that Affinity contractors will be on site 27/9 to carry out treatment of Japanese Knotweed on Springwell Lake. They will have access to the West Bank Car Park (Pete’s Pond). (more…)

Mill end loop

after 20 or so years and with constant motivation from Tony Booker Affinity Water have now agreed and the restoration of the mill end loop of the colne in the coming weeks contractors Maydencroft will be on site to start (more…)