North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Stock Pond Working Party

Mark Brady is organising a working party on Saturday 4th August to move fish between the stock ponds so that we can leave a smaller number in the main pond for feeding over the summer. *********Any one able to help (more…)

Stocking plans

Just an update on the stocking: We are continuing with our stocking policy. As you all know we have fish growing on in the main stock pond following the succesful work with VS Fisheries. We introduced 13 fish of the (more…)

Stocking – April 2012

Pictures of the fish stocking 4/12. Please help us track progress of all fish by submitting your catch photos / weights to Chris. [album id=2] (more…)

2010 Newsletter – River stocking

We recently undertook a stocking of mixed species to the river. It is difficult to accurately say how many fish were introduced but my best guess was approaching two thousand. Within the stock were approximately 200 barbel in the 5”- (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Lake Stocking

As you know, the last of the stock pond fish were introduced to the lake a year ago. Sadly, our numerous efforts to collect eggs from the lake during the spring/summer were unsuccessful.  We put several spawning mats into the (more…)