North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

8/09/13 Challenge 3 River Colne

8/09/13       Challenge 3                    River Colne 10 Anglers    Total Weight                  29.01 1st  Mel Barnet                                    23.10   Peg 33 2nd  Joe Burtt                                          1.07   Peg 28 3rd   Alan  Bellamy                                 1.02 (more…)

25/08/13 Challenge 2 The Colnebrook

25/08/13     Challenge 2                    The Colnebrook 11 Anglers     Total Weight                09.11 1st  Mel Barnet                                     5.11 2rd  Alan Bellamy                                 1.04 3nd Peter Cowan                                    1.02 (more…)

11/08/13 Canal Cup The Runner

11/08/13     Canal Cup                      The Runner 10 Anglers    Total Weight                  15.05 1st  Alan Bellamy                                 7.04 2nd  Kevin McGuiness                           6.00 3rd   Ray Bellamy                                   1.03 (more…)

28/07/13 Carp Cup 2 Redbournbury

28/07/13     Carp Cup 2                    Redbournbury 13 Anglers     Total Weight                49.08 1st  Mel Barnet                                    9.08 2rd  John Thearl                                    8.12 3nd Alan Bellamy                                 7.03 (more…)

2014 February Newsletter and Notice of AGM

Dear member, Happy New Year to you. I hope it will be a successful year in every sense but that in particular you are blessed with a few pulled strings! This is the second newsletter we have produced that is available (more…)

Newsletter, Renewals and AGM Notice

If you log into the the website you can now access the following: Feb 2014 Newsletter and additional reports. click here AGM Notices and Proposals for consideration click here 2014 Renewal, incl Working Party registration click here Hard copies will be posted to (more…)

HMWT involvement at Springwell Reed Beds

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: You may well have seen that Herts and Middx Wildlife Trust (HMWT), working on behalf of Affinity, have recently undertaken some restoration work to the reed beds between (more…)

West bank – Backstream & Poplars

This forms part of the Feb ’14 Newsletter and AGM Notice documents: I have lost track of the number of years I have written in newsletters of my hopes of achieving a commitment for restoration work to this river. The (more…)