North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

2010 Newsletter – Neighbours!

You will be aware of the somewhat strained relationship between the Society and the present owners of the ‘garden centre’ adjacent to the East bank. Apparently, we are not the only neighbours to have problems and concerns. Another summer’s growth (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Matches

Pete Cowan has continued to do a great job in organizing the Societies match section and a regular group of anglers now meet at various venues across the region.  They do this because they get something out of it and (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Angling Trust

Talking of the future it leads me on nicely to the bigger picture of our sports future and the role that the Angling Trust and Fish Legal (formerly the ACA) have to play in that. If you attended the AGM (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Lake membership

What’s been happening on the membership front? Well, the big fish in the river have ensured that membership is oversubscribed again this year which is really positive. The waiting list for membership is being used from the top a little (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Car parking

A number of vehicles are being left in Society car parks without displaying the car park permit issued at the start of the season. Please remember that the only voluntary element about their use was the inclusion of a mobile (more…)

2010 Newsletter – River Update

All this came into sharp focus recently when Steve Clarke and I had meetings with John Treacy (more in a moment on that) as one topic of discussion was how we, as a Society, could assist in his quest to (more…)

2010 Newsletter – River stocking

We recently undertook a stocking of mixed species to the river. It is difficult to accurately say how many fish were introduced but my best guess was approaching two thousand. Within the stock were approximately 200 barbel in the 5”- (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Lake Stocking

As you know, the last of the stock pond fish were introduced to the lake a year ago. Sadly, our numerous efforts to collect eggs from the lake during the spring/summer were unsuccessful.  We put several spawning mats into the (more…)

2010 Newsletter – Working parties

Despite my comments in the last newsletter about being largely on top of work at the lake the weather was to try and prove me wrong. It seemed as fast as we cleared one area of fallen trees another came (more…)