North Harrow Waltonians Angling Society

Combination Locks

Apparently the combination padlocks we have come in 2 versions. Only the new ones have 10 digits and we have the old ones! Unfortunately when we got the membership cards printed that wasn’t something we realised, So please check your (more…)

West Bank Car Park

Please be aware that the West Bank car park will be closed to members’ cars from 09:00 hrs until 18:00 hrs next Friday 8th April as tree surgeons will be carrying out work to trees in the parking area. Thank (more…)

Springwell Lake Closed Season

Dear Member, As was highlighted in the newsletter, we have been in long discussions with our landlords about the Closed Season on Springwell Lake and we are pleased to be able to confirm to members that we can continue to (more…)

Notice of 2016 AGM

The 2016 AGM will be held 8pm on Tuesday 19th April at The Royal British Legion, Ebury Way, Rickmansworth, WD3 8ED AGENDA 1. Chairman’s opening address 2. Minutes of 2015 A.G.M. 3. Matters arising 4. Secretary’s report 5. Treasurer’s report (more…)

Possibly Springwell Lake’s first double

This is the earliest photographic record we have of a large carp being introduced to Springwell Lake This fish was stocked at 12lbs 8oz, in June 1956 having been caught in Hampshire and driven up to Rickmansworth and released into (more…)